Groove Identification Solutions Access Cards & ID Card Printers

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ID Fargo HDP5000e high-definition ID card printer with retransfer technology for secure, durable, and vibrant card printing. Ideal for corporate, government, and university ID badge solutions

The New Fargo HDP5000e

HID has announced the End Of Life for the HDP5000.

The new HDP5000e has taken the HDP5000's place with faster print speeds, better print quality and a new module attachment for card jam prevention. Also new security features like built in Resin Scramble and AES 256 data encryption to keep your information secure! Order your Fargo HDP5000e Printer today!

Shop Fargo HDP5000e
Groove Prox Asset

Shop Access Cards, Fobs, Wristbands & More!

GrooveProx Access Cards are compatible with most major brands including AWID, HID, Keyscan, Honeywell and more! Order your GrooveProx Cards today!

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Groove Badges - Canada's Wonderland
Groove Badges - UHN
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